How do I earn my pilots license?
The process starts with a tour of our school, up close look at the aircraft fleet and an introductory Discovery Flight:
Our instructors take a first time aviator in either the Cessna 172, Bellanca Decathlon or Enstrom F-28F Helicopter and let them sit in the pilots seat and fly! Expect a few minutes of ground instruction pre-flight, at least 30 minutes of flight time and a debrief back at the hangar
If the first time aviator wants to commit to on-going training, then we hold an introductory meeting with the student.
We fill out an action plan together to establish goals, potential obstacles a student may encounter and and a timeline to help achieve their mission
We recommend what books and material the student will need for Ground School including a customized Sheridan Pilots 307 or Rotor binder with a formal syllabus
The student starts flight training with their instructor learning required maneuvers.
The FAA requirement to earn a private pilot license is:
Be 17 years of age (Solo at 16)
Read, speak, write and understand the English Language
Hold a U.S. student pilot certificate
Log minimum of 40 hours of flight training and have logbook endorsement from a certified instructor
20 hours of dual flight training with instructor
10 hours of solo flight
Pass a FAA 2.5 hour written exam (Book through PSI HERE)
Meet the aeronautical requirements for the aircraft rating sought
flight simulators
State-of-the-art technology to fly without going anywhere or paying for gas.
redbird ld SIM
The procedural trainer
Discovery Session: $25* / hr | Adults: $50* / hr
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) advanced training device certified
Wrap-around visuals, realistic flight controls, and interchangeable cockpits
Cessna 172 (Steam), Cessna 182 G1000 & Beechcraft Baron (Steam) panels
Students can log 2.5 hours as a private pilot, 20 hours of instrument, and 50 hours of commercial instruction.
x-plane 11 SIM
Ideal for young pilots
Ages 15 and under: FREE | Adults: $25* / hr
Detailed & realistic 3-D graphics
Features a 55" flat-screen cockpit
Redbird yoke, throttle, and rudder pedals
15+ aircraft to fly
35,500+ airports
*All funds from simulator training fees are used to further the Sheridan Pilots Association's mission to improve access to aviation in Sheridan.